College of Management Sciences

Departments under the College include:

 College Information

Out of the desire to create the missing link required for the development of an agro-industrial sector, the Management Sciences program that were lacking in the University were then established. The general philosophy is the belief that training in this discipline will develop the mind, impact both theoretical and practical knowledge on the individual student, and develop self-reliant in the fields of Administration and Management.

The College of Management Sciences was established in the year 2011 out of the old Department of Agricultural Management. This new College presently has three Departments namely: (i) Department of Business Administration; (ii) Department of Accounting and Finance, and (iii) Department of Agribusness. The college is cognizant of the necessity to imbibe graduates with the mindset of enterprise and innovativeness in order to generate and realize new opportunities in the economy.

There is undoubtedly a growing need for entrepreneurship education as a basic skill in the Nigerian educational system. Integration of entrepreneurship studies in the Department of Business Administration will prepare the students to be responsive enterprising individuals who will become entrepreneurs or entrepreneurial thinkers and contribute to economic development and sustainable communities.

College Administration

Dean:                                                       Professor F. A. O. Ayatse

Deputy Dean:                                          Dr. A. Ocholi

College Officer:                                        Dr.(Mrs.). Olatunji


College Email
