In the execution of its primary mandate and mission, the University of Agriculture, Makurdi is expected to introduce innovative and revolutionary approaches to agricultural research, extension and training.
These include among others:
Development of strong disciplinary core, with emphasis on applications in the general areas of crop production and husbandry; animal production and veterinary sciences; agricultural economics, rural sociology and home economies; agricultural engineering and technology; basic sciences and general studies, to provide strong training for the large number of subject-matter specialists required at all levels;
Development of a virile outreach and extension services based on a two way “LAB-TO-LAND” strategy aimed at promptly conveying research results from researchers’ laboratories to farmers’ fields and for relaying farmers’ field problems to researchers in the University.
Development of a revitalized and recognized co-operative extension system jointly operated by the State Ministries of Agriculture, the World Bank-assisted Agricultural Development Project (ADPs) and other agencies on one hand, and the outreach programmes of the University of Agriculture, Makurdi on the other, with emphasis on the development of a core subject-matter specialists;
Cultivation of research linkages between the 18 agricultural research institutes and the outreach programmes of the University;
Development of a mission-oriented agricultural research system that focuses on the practical problems of accelerated food and fibre production, storage, processing and utilization through the provision of an innovative package of adequate incentives for career advancement for researchers and extension workers engaged in finding solutions to practical problems of farmers and agro-industrialists;
Concentration on the more applied forms of agricultural research which address pressing practical farm-level problems;
Development of training facilities and communication technologies for imparting new farming skills to Nigerian farmers through on the job training;
Development of strong links between researchers in various disciplines in the University and subject-matter specialists in the University’s outreach programme to enhance the practical relevance of faculty research and staff, and finally;
The University of Agriculture, Makurdi, will conduct research and outreach programmes in the areas of storage, preservation, processing and marketing to enhance rural value added, reduce post-harvest losses and translate farm production increases into higher producer income gains for Nigeria’s farming majority.